JesusFit began when our trust in the Church was broken.
After a painful experience, our family of 5 stopped attending church entirely. No more Sundays, worship sets, sermons or sprinkled donuts.
We were just done.
The Church was supposed to be a place of goodness and hope and we walked away limping. We limped into a valley of anger, questions, brokenness and loss. Healing from something so interwoven in our lives was like recovering from a major surgery - complicated, slow and really freaking hard. I don’t know if it was time, grace or a good therapist, but gradually our pain paved the way for something new.
When we were away from church and healing, it was clear that God didn’t want us to just run back to another church. God wanted us to be well. And for the first time, we saw something we had previously missed… Wellness was central to Jesus’ mission (John 5:6).
Jesus wanted us to be well.
In the spring of 2021, we started JesusFit to help people be spiritually well (fit) - especially those weary or distant from traditional churches.
We saw a need for this group to be validated, supported and ultimately encouraged to do something healthy for their spiritual life (there’s physical, mental, emotional AND spiritual health). Our hope was to get rid of all of the unnecessary guilt/shame connected to whether you ‘go or don’t go to church’ and try to meet people where they’re at.
JesusFit is a judgment-free, question-friendly. practice-centered (501c3 nonprofit) ministry with zero denominational affiliation or agenda. Our mission is to empower spiritual wellness and human connection by creating inclusive + innovative forms of church.
We embrace curiosity, practice hospitality and strive to be a safe space for those on the fringes of faith.
We are reimagining church - gathering in breweries, libraries, parks, coffeeshops and local event centers. Instead of focusing on orthodoxy (right belief), we build community around orthopraxy (right practice). Currently, we have 5 JesusFit churches that encourage people to practice something Jesus actually did.
Beer Church - Ask questions, hear stories, meet your neighbors
Yoga Church - Rest, breathe, body care, be still
Trail Church - Go into nature, walk together, practice curiosity
Book Church - Read, learn, break bread together
Pizza Church - Share food, welcome kids, create art, wonder
Outside, but alongside.
We are a parachurch ministry operating outside, but alongside the church. We are intentionally unaffiliated with a denomination, because for many, labels are an obstacle to growth and belonging. JesusFit hopes to be a valuable resource and partner to the local church - especially Monday - Saturday.
Bryan Willkom (he/him) is an Enneagram 7, loves street tacos, a good brew, traveling, no-phone adventures, Jewish Jesus, old school hip hop and tri-blend tshirts.
Bryan grew up Catholic, got way too evangelical in college, built a career in youth ministry, made a lot of Lutheran friends, asked questions, discovered Richard Rohr, had some amazing church experiences, had some traumatic church experiences, spent time healing, worked through deconstruction and started a ministry to encourage orthopraxy (right practice/action) instead of orthodoxy (right belief/opinions).
Bryan’s dream is to see people be spiritually healthy - starting with himself - and is convinced spiritual practices, human connection and judgement-free spaces are good for the world.
Bryan is a trained Christian coach and ecumenical faith leader with 15 years of experience in local church ministry and a BA in Religious Studies from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.
Currently, Bryan and wife Anna live in an old farmhouse in Fall Creek, WI where they are busy chasing kids and who knows how many chickens?!
More than a donation.
Your generosity is more than donation - it makes our mission possible.
Our mission: We empower spiritual wellness and human connection.
Through our churches, content and events, we are building community around spiritual practice instead of perfect beliefs. JesusFit is a 501c3 nonprofit ministry and completely funded by charitable gifts and donations. Your generosity is felt and appreciated!
Bryan & Anna + Kids