Community. Community. Community.

Written by: Emily Krier

For the past two years…

I have been on the amazing and difficult journey of going back to school to earn my Masters in Science of Reading (how to properly teach reading), while teaching kindergarten on top of it.

It was a nerve racking decision to sign up for this program because I knew this would be a huge time and mental commitment. Consulting with family and friends, everyone encouraged me to take this next step. Little did I know at the time, but they were signing on to take this next step with me. 

The people in my community let me come as I was and were excited to meet me where I was at.

There were many times I would come to Beer Church and people could find me set up at a high top table furiously trying to finish an assignment due that night. It did not matter that I was more focused on the assignment at that moment, everyone was glad I was there and ready to hang out the second I was done.

I think everyone needs and is looking for a community where they are supported and encouraged through the challenges of life.

I am lucky that I found communities like that at work, in my family, my friends, and my Beer Church community. 

About a year after I had graduated from The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, all of my friends moved to different corners of the state while I stayed here. My family support system was an hour and a half away in Minnesota. Even though they were far away, they supported me in any way that they could with frozen homemade meals and many FaceTime calls. Even so, I was missing the in-person human connection. Beer Church quickly became the space where I was easily able to connect with others. 

I love the idea of people coming together around a table to share where they are in life together.

There are many amazing people who have met me in my journey who, without knowing it, knew exactly what to say at that moment. Through vulnerable and goofy moments, Beer Church has been this amazing community in my life. 

One of my favorite couples, Bruce and Mary, were quick to join my personal community. They were so energetic about being at Beer Church and all that JesusFit had to offer and the community that surrounds it. Sam and Leah came into Beer Church and we instantly clicked and I suddenly had a group of girls in the area that I was desperately needing. Their friendship was an answered prayer in my life which led to many fun nights around a fire, filling out bingo boards, and so many other fun adventures. 

My Beer Church family was one of the pillars of support that I heavily relied on during this season.

Words cannot express how much it means to me that they were consistently there when I needed them. Even though it was hard at times with the weight of masters, teaching, and adulting, I am so glad I had my Beer Church community with me in the thick of it. This made my graduation party even better because it felt like…

… it was as much a celebration of my achievement as it was a celebration of my community.


Leaving Certainty, Loving Questions


There’s a New Church in Town.