Ready to slow down with Jesus?


Let’s do this!

Welcome to our Slow Down summer music challenge. We’re pumped you’re here! Below you’ll find a “mixtape” of lesser-known Jesus jams w/ instructions to follow. This challenge will focus on 5 spiritual disciplines: Rest, Listening, Worship, Contemplation, Journaling.

How do I complete the challenge?

3 simple steps

  1. Listen to 1 song everyday for the 31 days of July.

    (You’ll find 31 songs + 5 bonus tracks. Please listen to the songs in order.)

2. Write down 1 personal takeaway or spiritual insight for EVERY song using a journal, notebook or phone. Take time just to be with God, listen to the lyrics and reflect on the song’s meaning for you. Here’s a few examples.

3. On the last day (July 31), share your experience with us (scroll to the bottom). If you complete the form, we’ll mail you a Jesus Fit sticker & card!


At anytime, you can schedule a Jesus Fit conversation to process God’s work here.


The Mixtape

Don’t have Spotify? No prob.

Here’s a PDF with YouTube links.

Spiritual Insights

These are examples to help you contemplate the lyrics, connect the song to your faith and write down your own personal takeaway.

What was it like to Slow Down?

Please complete this form on July 31st (or August 1st) and we’ll mail you a Jesus Fit sticker & card. You rock!!


We can’t do this without you!