What’s your soul goal?

Why do we ask THIS question?

We ask this question every month at Beer church and get a huge diversity of answers. Life can get pretty exhausting, but this question (when shared in a judgement-free space) is like a deep cleansing breath and proves no one’s ever alone in their spiritual seeking. The longer we do this work, the more we believe we could all use a boost from that which connects us… that beautiful something bigger than ourselves.

“What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world but lose their SOUL?”

-Jesus, Mark 8:36

Soul Goals List

Here’s a list of everyone’s soul goals from Beer Church.



Keep my faith in this divided world


Trying to get back hope for humanity


To Slow Down

Share Love


I want to play!

Confidence in who I am in Jesus

Be at Peace

Live in the moment

Re-find Joy

Peace, rest, love

Walk with Jesus

Seek God

To be a good person


Connect with Nature

Resist Temptations


Spread Kindness

Trust in God


Spiritual Intimacy

Seek God’s grace continually

Acts of kindness

To be peaceful

Invite Jesus in more

Don’t let fear win

Trusting God’s plan

To know God more

Start Game Church?

To finish the race well

To be better than I was yesterday

Talk to others about God


Play my way to wholeness

To know I am Beloved

Jesus Fit

Everyone. Everywhere. Living like Jesus


Love more. Hate less. Serve God.

To make connections

Health and Peace

Love and acceptance

Steady employment

Write a book

To see everyone has beloved

Steadfastly trusting God



Continue Searching

To find my “why”

Still figuring that out


Peace with myself and life

To be happy to be me :)

To continue to let go of self will

To be brave and share my faith

Be at peace with God

More prayer, less scrolling

Belonging & love

Renewed Spirit & Fresh air

Finding me

Find God

Space to grow

Be authentic

Find my new space and purpose

Letting Go…Make space for new

To love and make space

Find new purpose

To be in great connection with God regardless of influence

More of Jesus

Help people

Listen with a joyful heart

Finding joy in God

Share God’s love


Recognize it. Be Present

Make like-minded friends

Always be curious

Joyful peace

Grow in faith

Actually, joy. Enjoying life

Freedom from anxiety

Rest & trust

No idea :)

Content heart

Just keep asking

Finding peace in my evolving faith

Feel connected

Meditate and pray more

A joyful heart in the Lord

Next week

Serving others

Actually do my daily devotional

Meet more people who love Jesus

Find great Christian people

Build community with my youth group

Walk with Jesus

Complete contentment

To grow in my faith

To know God better

Bring happiness

Growth :)

Make it to worship every Sunday

Finding joy everyday

Live each day

To connect

To be completely content


To learn silence and rest

Evolution and growth

Giving my kids a heart for Jesus

Confidence in uncertainty

To enjoy the simple things

To leave the comfort of the familiar

To find my authentic self

Faith conversations with loved ones

To be a light and example to those around me

Overall physical and spiritual wellness

To continue to grow in my ministry before moving for missionary work

Neighbor to neighbor

Familial healing and peace in the brokenness

To do well

To find peace and comfort through all parts of life's journey

Align my will with God's

To reflect on my Lord God Jesus in my life

To grow closer with God and others


To love well

To love people

To make more time for God

To increase my thirst for God's word

To be consistent