Distant from church? We’ve got you.
When your church status is TBD, here’s the good news - you can BE with God wherever you are. Being present with us was/is Jesus’ superpower. Building spiritual muscle starts by simply being with Jesus - however that looks like for you.
Just like a physical workout, a spiritual workout will challenge you, but that’s a good thing. Instead of just sitting in a pew or consuming content, Jesus invites us to DO hard things (forgive, love, rest, serve, etc.), which is why we need spiritual practice.
Regardless of where you’re at with church or what you do on Sundays, Jesus wants you to BE and DO WELL. We believe our ability to love is connected to our wellness in Jesus and the spiritual habits/practices we build over time.
Get spiritually fit.
Distant from church? We’ve got you.
We create super simple resources to help you work on your spiritual fitness - leave the judgement and denominational agendas behind.
You’ll find mini-books, downloads, t-shirts, stickers and Jesus wearing headphones - check it out in our online store!