9 Churchy Rules We Are Breaking

By: Bryan Willkom

I generally love the axiom, “clear is kind”.

But funny enough, clarity is usually the last thing we have as a start-up ministry.

Our work is a lot of unlearning, letting go and leaving religious boxes of certainty and answers behind.

Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

While clarity tends to come in small batches for us (like tasty limited release beers), we do our best to be honest. And if we’re being honest… we break a lot of churchy rules.

Fortunately, we’re not alone.

Religious rule breaking was Jesus’ M.O. It was how He shared His message of unconditional love, inclusion and wholeness (to name a few).

*Side note: While Jesus’ words and actions were very clear to Him, His disciples were confused most of time. Even today, it’s not always easy to comprehend Jesus’ teaching and translate it into our everyday lives. Maybe this is why Mother Teresa shared these profound words at one point, “Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of.”? Food for thought.

So here we are.

Breaking a few rules in the name of this table-flipping Rabbi so all are valued, included and encouraged to practice healthy things in community.

TBH… sometimes, rule breaking is kind.

Here are 9 churchy rules Get Jesus Fit is breaking:

1. We don’t have a building - we gather in shared public spaces like breweries, libraries, parks and community centers

2. We are not clergy led

3. We don’t meet on Sundays

4. We don’t have a denominational affiliation or agenda (we are not nondenominational either!)

5. We focus on listening instead of telling… connection over answers… tables not stages

6. We are practiced-based not belief-based

7. We value the perspectives and experiences of other faith traditions and diverse people groups, including non-Christians *without judgement

8. We don’t gather to worship (in the traditional sense) - we gather to practice healthy Jesus things together like: meaningful conversation with our neighbors, hiking in God’s creation, restful body care, sharing food, reading widely, curiosity, hospitality, inclusion & unconditional love.

9. We are open to being wrong and changing our mind


In Search of a Church Where I Can Breathe


Wisdom in the Wild