Wisdom in the Wild

Trail Church reflections by Amelia Daniels, Co-leader of Trail Church

One of the many creative expressions of church that Jesus Fit is bringing to the community is Trail Church.

I am so honored and excited to co-lead this particular church, alongside my friend Jessie.

We gather at a local park with other humans. We circle up, share a simple reflection and questions to ponder as we walk. We meander on the trails for about 30-45 minutes and come back to the circle to share snacks and stories about things we noticed on the trail.

It’s simple, it’s fun and it’s people and practice-centered.

If what I give attention to is the currency of my life then mine would be: people, nature and exercise. And if currency requires a market then the Spirituality Exchange Market or The God Market (I made these up) are where I can be found.

Taking my currency analogy a few steps further; If I invest well in my people, or any people, in the world around me and in my own health and well-being then maybe I can make the world a better place. Perhaps The Spirituality Exchange Market will really flourish and it will be intriguing to those who want to invest similarly? Okay, that is the extent of my business knowledge and my silly analogy.

This whole concept comes from my innate wisdom of what is important to me and what brings beautiful returns to me.

In other words, what fills my cup? From a full cup I can pour out to others.

Chapter 8 of Proverbs personifies wisdom. “Wisdom is God’s treasure, and He/She offers it to those who seek it with all their heart” (Proverbs 8:10-11).

Wisdom is someone with alluring beauty and many virtues, with strength and justice. This strength and justice is better than riches. So how do we access our innate wisdom?

I have one idea: Observe God’s world. God created the world by wisdom, which means…

…we should expect to see God’s wisdom reflected in creation. 

Earth and its medley of creatures are a great example of Natural Wisdom. When you look at a plant or an animal, it’s easy to see that it’s pursuing and accepting each stage of life (like leaves dropping from a tree or squirrels gathering and storing food).

Each living being is doing the best it can to not only survive, but also to thrive.

Nature’s wisdom is different from human wisdom. It requires freedom from social constructs, messages of right and wrong or good or bad and (the best yet) - freedom from fear and anxiety.

I realize this is a never ending pursuit. It’s a path, and as long as we are alive and breathing, we can seek it.

You can start by getting out in nature.

This simple act will help us be present and aware.

When we are noticing something in nature we are living in the moment and that is outstanding! In doing this we can have a heart space that is open and a mind without division or resistance.

I hope to see you and meet you at Trail Church sometime. Here’s a couple of questions to ponder the next time you’re out in nature:

  • What are some examples of nature's wisdom that you notice? 

  • Is there a time when being in nature brought you clarity about something you were struggling with?

Remember, you are outstanding and amazing and a living breathing example of natural wisdom.


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